American Rendezvous - one of the biggest and most exciting events of the year for traceurs and traceuses! Parkour Horizons ( hosts this event annually and brings out some very admirable coaches from across the pond to help us all learn and get stronger together. This year's Rendezvous was led by a generous amount of Yamakasi (, and Parkour Generations ( instructors from abroad: Chau Belle, Ben Odoyer, Francois 'Forrest' Mahop, Dan Edwardes, Chris 'Blane' Rowat, Tony Thich, Thomas Couetdic, Chris Keighley, Annty Marais, and Dominic Willoughby. Julie Angel and Andy "Kiell" Day also made the trip out for the event and gave some very interesting presentations. Julie Angel has a PhD in parkour. That's right! She makes parkour documentary films and has a book out on the subject as well. Andy "Kiell" Day is a photographer who takes some stunning shots of parkour practitioners. Andy also enjoys rock climbing and he even ran a climbing session during the training on Monday.
The event was a huge success with a great turnout on all 3 days! Everyone put hard work and strong effort into the warmups and all of the drills throughout the weekend, we start together - WE FINISH TOGETHER!
Thanks to Parkour Horizons, Parkour Generations, and the Yamakasi for putting the event together and making us all train extra hard!